About Us

A Quick Tour of TW3

If you are new to TheWayWeWork.com ("TW3"), you are invited to take a quick tour:

TW3 Purpose: Inspiring Individual Industry

Click on the About Tab for details.

TW3 Organization

Visit the Site Map for an overview of the TW3 structure. Some features are unavailable until you log-in or register; first-time users must register and, thereafter, log-in to fully participate in the features of the website.

TW3 Registration: Free

Registration involves selecting a unique User Name and providing a valid email address. During the Registration Process, an initial password will be sent to the email address you provide. You may then log-in using your User Name and the initial password, and immediately change the password to one of your choosing. Thereafter, log-in at will with your personal User Name and Password.

TW3 Profiles: Anonymous

The Profiles Section presents individual TW3 profiles; a collection of anonymous profiles showcasing how users have employed their aptitudes, skills and education in the workplace, along with a bit about their background and inspiration. The intent of this section is to give you an idea of how you might employ a similar set of personal assets in pursuit of your ideal profession.

Registration vs. Profile Creation

Once you are a Registered User on TW3, you are invited to create a profile; click on the Add Button on the Profiles Page to display a fill-in-the-blank form. The Profile Creation Process is optional. If you elect to create a profile, however, three fields are required: Year of Birth (you must be at least 18), Gender, and Country. If you select United States or Canada for Country, you will be prompted to enter your Zip Code (or Postal Code). Demographic information is aggregated and used only for statistical purposes. We do not sell or distribute email addresses to anyone. Please familiarize yourself with our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

Orchestrate Your Aptitudes! (OYA!)

OYA! is shorthand for Orchestrate Your Aptitudes! This area is the core of the TW3 website; it presents a visual framework for Registered Users to employ in the process of discovering their individual collection of attributes, and provides a unique template to use in creating an Individual Marketing Plan (IMP); a personalized plan to guide you in marketing yourself in the business world.

Tools: Learn | Teach | Mentor

The Tools Section is a collection of listings and links to articles, books, glossaries, seminars, and websites that all focus on professional career development topics. Also available from the Tools Page is a feature called Virtual Resource Groups; a forum for peers and mentors.


The Contact Section provides a method to email us with questions or suggestions for making this website better.

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